Equal to kindergarten - Padre Filippo Cecchi

The Kindergarten Father Filippo Cecchi is a Nursery School Catholic Paritaria. E 'currently consists of two sections, can accommodate up to 56 children and was born from a complex that already exists, that is, the primary school-nursery, laboratory and parish works of Calasanziane Sisters who have served in Ponte Buggianese service from 1924 until 2016. many generations of children have attended school education and secure the "old" students accompany their children, and recommend this choice to friends and acquaintances. Household confidence placed in the educational system of the school allows children to live in a family atmosphere and teachers to have a watchful eye on their growth, in order to make the children, not only prepared students, but also citizens responsible and careful.
Since September 2016, the school was taken over by the our cooperative with the aim of safeguarding the existence of a reality so important for the region and to carry on the teaching and educational activities for children. Among the objectives it is to ensure the continuity of the educational project already started in the early '900, being careful updating of pedagogical approaches to ensure that the school can be always in step with the times.
Our school promotes integral education of children aged 3 to 6 years. By adopting this expression we refer all'accezione used in 1993 in the final document of the World Conference on Human Rights organized by the United Nations, in which he asked, " to direct education towards the full flowering of the person and the strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is an integral education that can prepare empowered and respectful of the freedoms of others . " Along this line, the defense and promotion of the right to education of which UNESCO has made his main interest, concern not only the possibility that every human being will grow, develop his talents and with them participate in public life, economic and social, but also the ability to really humanize and to enjoy in full the inherent dignity of all human persons. It is therefore not only to enjoy an intercultural education where children and adolescents of ethnic groups, races, cultures and different sexes learn to respect each other through dialogue - even if a goal of intercultural education takes seriously the deficiencies and obstacles to ' equality and justice arising from ethnic categorization. Integral education must also include the learning of life together, of solidarity; which passes through learning responsibilities. Because this integral education can enable children and young people not only to acquire a human maturity, spiritual and moral, but also to engage in the transformation of society.
The educational and recreational paths are. aimed at achieving objectives such as: the acquisition of communicative skills, expressive-logical-operational; the maturity of personal and group identity, the ability to socialize in a joyful and serene environment open to different, act to promote solidarity and multiculturalism.
- Service pre-post time of entry and exit
- Draft English
- Environmental education project
- Draft road safety education
- Educational tours to discover the surrounding natural environments and cultural centers, as required by the annual programming as a means of deepening of knowledge, socializing and healthy recreation
- Big spaces used for gardens with playground
- Musical activities
- Psychomotor activity
- Municipal school canteen
- Municipal school bus service
The school is open to all and guarantees in favor of the continuity of public service, pursuing his education and training purposes in close collaboration with families, whose role is crucial to integrate its educational action.
The inscriptions are usually performed from January to March of each year, but also at other times of the year until all available seats.
The dishes are prepared by the school cafeteria of the City of Ponte Buggianese, managed by Sodexo firm Poggibonsi (SI).
The 2016/17 school year begins on September 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017.
Hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00, with a reception from from 7.30.
3 outputs are provided throughout the day
at 11:30
at 13.00
at 16.00
During the school year it is expected the participation of parents in the operation of the activities through:
- Shareholders' meetings at the beginning of the Year and the school term - 2 times a year
- individual meetings with teachers - 2 times a year and as needed, by appointment
- Election of class representatives of the parents, who then govern the meetings based on a programmed schedule and simply communicated to the school
- Proposition and organization of initiatives to involve the territory into school life.
Teaching and educational continuity is guaranteed by the teachers of the previous school years.
The School Leadership tasks are recognized for the school year 2016/17 to Selva soc. cooperative to r.l. non-profit organization, in the person delegated by Francesca Galeazzi Resp. of the Service, through a special agreement signed with the parish of St. Michael, in the person of Don Fabiano rings.
The cooperative and the Resp. Of the Service are always available to families to provide information on the school's operation and tasks of management and office, available from the following addresses
The Chief of the Service is responsible for:
- Coordinate and control the operation of the nursery school
- Meet the families to discuss issues relating to the functioning of the institution and the needs of families;
- maintenance of relationships with everyone involved in the management of the School, that pastor, teachers, support staff;
- hours of operation of the teaching staff;
- inclusion of trainees and volunteers;
- programming and management of the school POF;
- support and collaboration in the administrative management of the School;
- organization of social and educational summer activities for the community;
- maintenance of the requirements of the Institute as equal School, according to the law 10 March 2000, and 62 of its ministerial circular implementing March 18, 2003, n.31.
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